We seek to Be the Church here at FFC by Living the Gospel, Growing in Community, Gathering on Sundays, Serving Joyfully, and Giving Generously.
Knowing how the Lord has wired us and using our gifts is how we'll serve joyfully. God's church functions like a body and we all have unique roles to fulfill, submitted to Christ, the head. We pray that you seek to serve the Lord in all you do and love others well as an outflowing of that service. We serve with joy and fun and levity as an outpouring of the grace the Lord has shown us, not out of obligation or duty. (Isaiah 6:1-13, James 1:27)
Ready to hear more?!
There are MANY ways to serve within (and outside of) the church.
Click the button below to fill out an inquiry form. A leader will be in touch shortly!
In addition to the many options listed on the form above, these are a couple of featured serving opportunities: