We seek to Be the Church here at FFC by Living the Gospel, Growing in Community, Gathering on Sundays, Serving Joyfully, and Giving Generously.
We know we are giving generously when we are open-handed with our resources (financial, time, energy, etc) and are regularly asking the Lord if we are giving as we should. We believe giving is an overflow of the gifts the Lord has given us, an act of worship, done joyfully without obligation. We seek to practice financial, time, and energy generosity with those around us. (Isaiah 6:1-13)
Keep reading to find out how you can give generously to FFC!
Our giving platform makes giving easy. Use the form below to set up online giving or keep scrolling for other giving options.
Text the word "myffc" to 888-364-4483 for the giving link. Options are available for recurring gifts.
Cash or Check
Grab an envelope from the chair pockets on Sundays or mail your check to 704 N Green Mount Rd, Shiloh, IL 62221.
Note: If you need assistance, please contact Pastor Melissa and the FFC Finance Department at 618-277-0232, or mpellmann@faithfamilyshiloh.org.